Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


Business Administration


In the following pages, wherein is undertaken the study of insurance agent's house organs, the underlying purpose is the gathering of facts, ideas, and plans for the origination of a new publication of the same type. From the compilation of the material gained through this research, it has been the aim of the author of this thesis to form an outlined plan, and from that a format, of a house organ fitted to the needs and opportunities of life insurance agents of a large insurance company similar to that of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance company whose main offices are located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The Northwestern Mutual has 88 general agencies situated throughout the United States and about 6,000 agents.

There is no doubt that much has been written and taught about originating, editing and publishing a successful and worthwhile house organ of this particular type and of others. Likewise, it is agreed by those who have studied the situation that agents' magazines are excellent forms of promotion work, advertising and publicity. However, it is more the practical knowledge rather than the theoretical viewpoint which has been sought after in this study - to get away from the text book story, "You should do this and you should not do that in order to make up a successful publication". Instead, through the reviewing and the comparing of the current works which others do in this field, and through the learning gained from the narrated experiences of some who have succeeded and others who have failed, the conclusion of this thesis is a flesh and blood example of those principles which have been expounded in the texts ..... a house organ for insurance agents.


A Thesis Submitted To The Faculty Of The College of Journalism at Marquette University in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements For The Degree of Bachelor of Philosophy.
