Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)



First Advisor

Herbert H. Heinrich


Chromium was discovered in 1797 by a Frence Chemist named Vauquelin who gave it its name from a Greek word for color because of its variety of colors which its various compounds show. The electrode-deposition of Chromium from a Chromium acid solution has been an accomplished feature for the past century but it has only been in the past few years that the mechanism of the process has been sufficiently understood to permit its commercial application.

Harding and Barrows state that it is possible to ob­tain satisfactory Chromium deposits from Chromic acid baths containing compounds other than sulfuric acid which is used commercially, such as chlorides, nitrates, phosphates, borates and fluorides. Among the various substitutes for sulfuric Acid, hydrofluoric acid holds the biggest promise and it is the purpose of this report to give the results of an investigation for the throwing power of such a solution.


A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of the College of Liberal Arts, Marquette University, In Partial Fulfillments of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science

Included in

Chemistry Commons
