Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


Biological Sciences

First Advisor

William Magee


In the world of literature and science many records containing startling theories are to be found. Among these is the doctrine of Evolution. Many assure us that Science compels us to believe in Evolution. An explanation of the terms must be clearly understood to avoid a fallacious use of terms. Professor Huxley, who follows Hume, declares that Science is "nothing but trained and organized commonsense." The term is applied to physical science or "that whose province is the observation of phenomena and inferences directly deducible from them." The term "Evolution" is often differently understood. In its literal sense it is the act of unrolling, but in a general sense, it applies to any process by which a rudimentary or homogeneous thing passes into a more heterogeneous condition in which it displays a complexity of parts. Some call themselves Evolutionists who hold that the organic world has come to its present state "by genetic development of one species from another in the natural course of descent and through the operation of natural laws, " - similar to the propagation that is found in plants and animals at present - so in past ages the lower simple forms of life and developed into the higher and more complex. There is another class that believe in Evolution, but do not limit the process to organic creatures. They hold that both the organic and inorganic world is the result of the action of forces with which Science deals - life having developed out of non-living matter. In both these theories Evolution is merely a process. But the Extreme Evolutionist holds that the principle or "law" which governs and accounts for everything needs no further cause beyond itself. If the "Law of Evolution" can be established, then the ultimate explanation of everything is found.


A Thesis Submitted to Fulfill the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts
