"Goodwill" by Francis John Basso

Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)


Business Administration

First Advisor

Edward M. Wagner


Goodwill is property in the eyes of the law and consists wholly of rights which may or may not have present exchangeable value. The rights growing out of all kinds of past effort in seeking profit, increase in value or other ad­vantage which may be capable of future profitable development sums itself into the true economic meaning of the term "Commercial Goodwill." The statute law and the common law protects these rights for the use and benefit of the owner Goodwill may include any or all such property as business con­nections associated with names, persons and places of business, trademarks, patents and designs, copyrights and the right to exercise monopolies. The exchangeable value of goodwill is based on anticipation, and the character of the anticipation is that the owner of any of these rights will earn future profit.


A thee is submitted to fulfill the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Commerce College of Business Administration.

Included in

Business Commons
