Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)


Biological Sciences

First Advisor

William N. Steil


Pinus edulis, Engelman commonly known as the two-leaved "Nut Pine", belongs to the genus Pinus of the tribe Abietineae which in turn is a member of the Pinnaceae family of the order Coniferales. The Coniferales constitute three-fourths of the present gymnosperms which comprise forty genera and approximately 350 species. The dominant conifers are the twenty-nine genera and approximately 245 species included
in the family Pinnaceae. In this family are found four tribes, Taxodineae, Cupressineae, Araucarineae, and Abietineae. This latter form includes nine genera and about 129 species.. The genera are Cedrus, found in Asia and northern Africa; Larix, in North America, Europe and Asia; Pseudolarix, in eastern China; Picea, in the extra-tropical portions of the northern hemisphere; Tsuga, found in North America, Keteleeria, in China; Abies, in North America, Europe and Asia; and Pinus which is found throughout the extra-tropical regions of the northern hemisphere and to which genera belongs the species P. edulis.


Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of the Liberal Arts College, Marquette University, in Partial Fulfill­ment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science
