"The Literature of the Age of Queen Anne and How It Reflects the Proble" by Francis J. Costigan

Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


Literatures, Languages, and Cultures

First Advisor

J.A. McChrystal


The object of this thesis is to go back into Early Eighteenth Century England and see the literature, the politics and the life of the time, and then to compare the history of the time with the literature and see how the latter reflects the former.

In selecting the writers, I have chosen the two greatest of the first half of the Eighteenth Century, Swift and Defoe.

I have divided the thesis into two parts. Part One gives a resume of the politics of England during this period. Part Two is devoted to the writers themselves and I have used many quotations from their works to prove that their writings reflect the problems of the time.


A Thesis submitted to the Faculty of the College of Liberal Arts, Marquette University, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Philosophy.
