Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)



First Advisor

John G. Surak

Second Advisor

Virgil Roach


The problem of the determination of the moisture content or metal powders has been suggested by the Fansteel Metallur­gical Corporation, where I was formerly employed, as one which might prove of interest to them. I have been particularly interested in a topic of this nature since my only laboratory experience has been in metallurgical chemistry.

In this work I intend to make a comparison and evaluation of various methods of determining the moisture content of tungsten and molybdenum powders in order to show which would be the most applicable. Most of the common methods for determining the amount of moisture in other material.a cannot be applied to tungsten or molybdenum powders because they tend to oxidize so readily.

I am primarily interested in the possible application of the Karl Fischer reagent, which is extremely sensitive to water, to this problem. It is very probable that its unusual sensitivity Will in itself constitute a disadvan­tage, but a comparison with other methods should give an indication of its value.


A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of the College of Liberal Arts Marquette University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements tor the Degree of Bachelor of Science

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Chemistry Commons
