"Physical and mental Development Through Kindergarten Activities" by Cecelia M. Fitzgerald

Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)



First Advisor

George E. Vander Beke


'Every principle of progressive education is observed in the organization of the work of the kindergarten. The imagination of the child is stimulated, his powers of observation are culti­vated, and his vision is widened. Right atti­tudes toward social problems are established and interests are aroused in scores of real and worth while activities. Work and play are skillfully used to develop the child physically, mentally, and emotionally. The m1d-morning lunch period is used to establish many useful social habits and attitudes. Music and art are employed to arouse the child's interests in fine arts and start him on the road to appreciation of the cultural things of the world. The child, early in life, is taught to assume responsibility. Under wise guidance he becomes responsible for the care of wraps and materials and for conduct in all his social relations. In truth, the modern kindergarten is a sort of miniature world in which the child lives fully and richly and in such a way as to make his transition to the larger world as easy as possible


A Thesis submitted to the Faculty of the College of Liberal Arts, Marquette University in Partial Fulfill­ment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Philosophy

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