Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)



First Advisor

Maynard W. Brown


The .front page o.f the newspaper is the "show" window of that organ. The more attractively the news can be displayed, and the more interesting the news can be made, the more newspapers will be sold.

In this thesis, we have analyzed the .front pages o.f the Milwaukee Journal and the Wisconsin News,from September 1, to November 30, to see just how these papers are made up, and how much display is given to various types of news. \ We have tried to find to what class of people these papers cater, and how they present the news to their readers.

By analyzing the front pages, we can .find out what the general policies of the two papers are, because the front pages are indexes to what one may expect to follow.


A thesis submitted to the faculty of the College of Journalism Marquette University in partial fulfillment of require­ merits for the degrees of Bachelor of Philosophy in Journalism
