Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)



First Advisor

George E. Vander Beke


Reading has been divided into five periods, which do not correspond to the hard and fast lines of the grade levels of a school system nor to the chronologi­cal or educational ages of any group of children. The first period is that of preparation for reading and embraces generally children of pre-school age, the kindergarten and the early first grade. This period is followed by the period of initial instruction in the first grade. Reading is introduced as a thought getting process and the ability to read very simple passages, independently and intelligently is developed. The third period covering the second and third grades, is one of rapid progress in fundamental habits, attitudes and skills, on which depend intelligent interpretation, fluent, accur­ate, oral reading and rapid silent reading. The fourth period which has been chosen as the subject of this paper, is the period of wide reading to extend and enrich the ex­periences of the child and to establish securely the funda­mental habits and skills which were begun in the preceding period and to cultivate important attitudes and tastes. The fourth, fifth, and sixth grades correspond to this period. The fifth period is one of refinement of specific habits, atti­tudes. and skills. It corresponds to grades seven, eight and nine.


A thesis submitted to the faculty of the Co1lege of Liberal Arts, Marquette University, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of bachelor of Philosophy.

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