Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)



First Advisor

Frank J. Murray


I selected as the subject of my thesis "Defense Against the Running Attack, " because I believe it is the most important single factor of football. Probably it is not so "flashy" as repeated successful offensive thrusts, but surely more dependable and much easier physically and mentally on your football team.

Another reason why I am writing on this subject is to endeavor to show the fellow who sits in the stands on Saturday afternoons that defensive play is just as com­plicated and needs as much or more quick thinking on the part of the player as offensive play. On offense he cheers the ball carrier forgetting the blockers. The same ls true of defense: he sees the man making the tackle not the men clearing out the interference to make that tackle possible.

In this I have given information gathered from articles of the leading coaches of the country and from my own personal experience, and the teachings of my coaches, the fundamentals of line and backfield play against the running attack.

In the chapter on "Defensive Plans", I have illustrations and descriptions of numerous defensive plays and formations that are now being used throughout the country.

I hope the material I have gathered and combined into this thesis, will be of some help to anyone seeking information on the subject.


A Thesis submitted to the Faculty of the College of Liberal Arts of Marquette University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree in Physical Education

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