Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)


Business Administration


Efficient management is a subject which has been extensively treated - volumes upon volumes have been writ­ten treating the subject in general, as it relates to the shop, to the office, to individual departments. And yet, when one has once worked in a shop or in an office he be­gins to realize how industries merely attempt to follow ef­ficient methods, but utterly fail. Either because of the wrong system or methods employed, or because of inefficient executives, or because of a wrong kind of manager at the head of a certain department who may be responsible for the entire lack of unity; -and then again it may be the fault of the employees who are refusing to co-operate with the man­agement because of some misunderstanding or unjust prejudices.

In this treatise on efficient management, it is my purpose to set forth my idea as to what I believe to be the beet way in securing efficient management, not in gen­eral, but in relation to the concrete machinery manufactur­ing industry in the State of Wisconsin which will work out to the beet interests of both employer and employee. My discussion, however, will be confined only to the managerial and office end including the various departments, although in doing so I may at times bring in discussions on. or pertaining to the shops as related to the department under discussion. Shop and labor management are subjects on in themselves deserving of separate and special attentio.

I am basing my discussion on the ideas which I have formulated during five years of work, of personal ex­perience, working in various parts of the shop and office in the largest concrete machinery industry of its kind in the world; upon the knowledge gained through special study of all departments in this concern and others; upon the knowledge and information secured through reading text books on the subject; and lastly, but not least in import­ance, upon the knowledge gained as a student in the Business Administration Department of Marquette University.


A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Bachelor of Science Degree in Marquette University College of Business Administration.

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