Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)



First Advisor

George H. Mahowald


Perhaps the most important economic issue of the present day is Socialism. Though this system is as old as feudal society, with its aristocratic and favored few, it has a more vital appeal as a remedy tor present modern ills, especially in view of the "great calamnity',the "sin of 1929" and its results, the present economic depression. This "cure-all" had its birth among the proletariat and was immediately opposed on all sides. The controversy it evoked has raged on through time and probably will not cease as long as socialism is what it is. For if Socialism were merely an economic theory not-affecting the ethics and the rights of man it might perchance, find excuse tor existing though even this be difficult of comprehension. Because of this necessary connection, Socialism is more than just an economic theory. It does concern the ethics of man; it does concern his rights. Kay, more, it affects his liberty, his religion, his morals and his principles, his business and his very person. It is because of the very personal nature of Socialism that it is opposed so vehemently tor who, indeed, can condone the theft of ones own property or the invasion of ones personal rights. Certainly these two sins are inherent in the philosophy which would provide for an economic system in which the state owns and operates all the principal means of production and distribution of wealth, the ownership extending to all lands, mines and factories, to all machinery and raw materials, to means of transportation and public utilities.


A Thesis submitted to the Faculty of the College of Liberal Arts, Marquette University, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor or Arts. Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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