"Diganostic and Remedial Reading in the Primary Grades" by Myrtle C. Merritt

Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)



First Advisor

George E. Vander Beke


"READING is both the most important and the most trouble-sane subject in the elementary school curriculum," (1) The importance of this subject is recognized by educators everywhere. Recent years have brought forth a particularly large number of investigations in this subject. William Scott Gray (2) in his Summary of Investigations Relating to Reading, Chapter II, gives a. historical sketch of such investigations. Many of these had their beginnings in European experiments which paved the way for the work in American laboratories by Lough,· Delabarre, Huey Dodge, Dearborn, Judd, Freeman, Schmidt, C.T. Gray; Buswell and others. For example, C. T. Gray (3) made extensive studies of the differences between good and poor readers. Buswell (4) studied the significance of the eye-voice span in reading. He also distinguished fundamental habits in both oral and silent reading. Gates (5) made a very recent study as to the place of phonetics in modern reading instruction and conducted experiments to determine the most efficient methods in this field.


A Thesis submitted to the College of Liberal Arts of Marquette University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Philosophy. Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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