Date of Award
Degree Type
Bachelors Essay
Degree Name
Bachelor of Science (BS)
First Advisor
Arthur G. Barkow
Second Advisor
M.S. Barnett
Microradiography is a comparatively recent development in the X-ray field. The term applies to the analysis of a thin specimen by photographing it with X-rays and subsequently enlarging the photograph to bring out minute structural elements. A microradiograph has several advantages over a photomicrograph. First of all it goes beyond the surface and reveals the internal structure of the specimen, a more important advantage at least as concerns this paper is the ability of the microradiograph to enable one to accurately determine the chemical elements making up the specimen.
Recommended Citation
Kluck, Wallace, "Microradiography with Metal Powders" (1946). Bachelors’ Theses. 780.
A Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Liberal Arts College, Marquette University, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science, Milwaukee, Wisconsin