Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)



First Advisor

Edward A. Fitzpatrick

Second Advisor

William M. Magee


The object of this paper is to bring before the superintendents of hospitals the necessity of a well organized and a well functioning clinical laboratory. It is one of the most important service departments in the entire organization of the hospital. In no field of medicine or hospital work have such strides been made in raising the hospital to a more scientific level, as in the laboratory. The practice of medicine was advancing very slowly until the sciences of bacteriology, biology, and pathology were applied to human processes. These overcame the apparent insurmountable obstacles,which had hitherto prevented the advancement of medical knowledge. At the present day we are enabled by laboratory investigations to thoroughly understand the nature and etiology of disease.


A Thesis submitted partially to fulfill the requirements for The Degree of Bachelor of Science, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
