Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)



First Advisor

William M. Magee

Second Advisor

Joseph C. Flynn


In this thesis it is maintained, that the natural law is universal, that is to say, that the natural law is promulgated or made known to all men and that no one possessing the use of sober reason can doubt or be invincibly ignorant of the natural law. Thus we speak of its universality by reason of its promulgation. However, this does not signify that all men have the same knowledge of the natural law, nor that all men know all what the natural law prescribes. But it does mean that all men enjoying the use of sane reason can and do know the primary and practical principles of the natural law as well as the proximate and immediate conclusions from these general principles


A Thesis Submitted to Fulfill the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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Philosophy Commons
