Date of Award
Degree Type
Bachelors Essay
Degree Name
Bachelor of Arts (BA)
First Advisor
George E. Vander Beke
The advocates of the project method claim that the project method brings the school close to "real life" by the use of concrete situations in the environment of the child. To organize a curriculum wholly upon the basis of activities of life, rather than in terms of subjects is ideally desirable. The old saying that one learns to do by doing is as true at the present time as at any time. When the children are engaged in activities that they enjoy, they enter it zealously, and besides acquire veritable,incidental knowledge, attitudes, and new interests which will keep them busy even in their leisure time.
Modern education attempts to develop the particular abilities of each child, and direct the child's development in such a way that the child will be worthy of participating in the institutional life of society. The teacher's task should be to gain the confidence of her pupils. The efficient teacher should have a knowledge of the educational principles and development of character. He must also know what the needs of life are and what subject matter is best suited to his needs.
A historical background of the project has been considered. The projects which have been successfully worked out in the elementary grades are given.
Recommended Citation
Kuehn, Florence, "The Development of Projects in the Elementary Grades" (1936). Bachelors’ Theses. 939.
A Thesis Submitted to the College of Liberal Arts of Marquette University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Philosophy, Milwaukee, Wisconsin