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Engineering Structures

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DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2022.114357


Reinforcement slip in the footing of a reinforced concrete (RC) column can significantly influence the lateral displacement of the column, a critical structural response under lateral loads such as seismic loading. Many past researchers studied and developed models to capture the anchorage slip of rebar; however, there is still a need for a model that can reflect the actual bond-slip relationship (especially in the presence of corrosion) and yet is simple-to-use for structural analysis. In this study, a simple bar stress-slip macromodel is developed to predict reinforcement anchorage slip given a rebar stress. The proposed rebar anchorage slip model is derived by implementing a macromodel solution based on a simple bond stress distribution function that captures the bond stress distribution numerically obtained from a real bond-slip relationship. Available experimental bond stress-slip data collected from literature are used to optimize the model parameter in the proposed bond stress distribution function, which reflects the impact of the structural parameters on the rebar slippage such as concrete strength and corrosion level. The proposed rebar slip model is then incorporated into a fiber beam-column model for numerical analysis, and is further validated by comparing flexural behavior of several RC columns (with and without corrosion) based on the numerical model with the experimental data. The results demonstrate the importance of incorporating rebar slippage and corrosion effect on bond. Using this fiber beam-column model, seismic performance of an example RC bridge column is evaluated, and one can conclude the rebar slip plays a critical role in the seismic evaluation. As the proposed rebar slip macromodel provides simple formulation and it is explicitly expressed with a model parameter that can be updated easily to incorporate new information, it is practical for structural analysis applications.


Accepted version. Engineering Structures, Vol. 262 (July 2022): 114357. DOI. © 2022 Elsevier. Used with permission.

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