Document Type
Publication Date
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Source Publication
Journal of Engineering Mechanics
Source ISSN
Original Item ID
DOI: 10.1061/JENMDT.EMENG-7835
Electric vehicles offer higher acceleration than conventional internal combustion engines due to larger engine torque. The design and placement of battery packs in heavy-duty electric vehicles are still being optimized, as they can affect axle load distributions and consequently impact pavement analysis and design. This study presents a finite element model of a dual tire assembly considering varying load and acceleration conditions to investigate the effect of conventional and electric heavy-duty vehicles on tire–pavement contact forces. Three scenarios for battery pack locations were examined, leading to six loading conditions for both internal combustion engines and electric trucks. The resulting 3D contact forces, compared at a specific line of points along the contact patch and throughout the entire distribution via kernel density estimate, determined that the load increase due to battery location had a much greater impact than the change in torque for both internal combustion engine and electric trucks provided they are at the same rolling condition. Higher loads altered the vertical and longitudinal contact forces and led to a broader contact area. On the other hand, transverse contact forces showed the least variation, although this may differ under cornering scenarios. Finally, a higher slip ratio exacerbated the contact forces in the traveling direction, highlighting the importance of considering rolling conditions in future analyses of pavement damage caused by heavy-duty electric vehicles.
Recommended Citation
Hernandez, Jaime; Jayme, Angeli; Cardenas Huaman, Johann J.; and Al-Qadi, Imad L., "Effect of Heavy-Duty Electric Vehicles on Tire–Pavement Contact Forces" (2024). Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty Research and Publications. 393.
Accepted version. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 151, No. 1 (January 2025). DOI. © 2024 Elsevier. Used with permission.