Document Type
Blog Post/Website
Publication Date
Social Science Research Council
Source Publication
Items: Insights from the Social Sciences
Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, the transition of many offices to remote work has led to new ways for employers to track workers’ movements, behavior, and productivity. Through their SSRC-funded research, Jessica Vitak and Michael Zimmer surveyed remote workers in the US about perceptions of current workplace monitoring practices. They argue that worker concerns about reductions in privacy and independence at work might have negative outcomes on worker productivity, satisfaction, and well-being.
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Recommended Citation
Vitak, Jessica and Zimmer, Michael, "Workers’ Attitudes toward Increased Surveillance during and after the Covid-19 Pandemic" (2021). Computer Science Faculty Research and Publications. 68.
Published version. Items: Insights from the Social Sciences, Social Science Research Council (September 16, 2021). Permalink. © 2021 Social Science Research Council. Used with permission.