Number 47
Table of Contents and Contact Information
Editorial Board
From the Editor: Spiritual Exercises Bring Special Spirit to Campus
Edward W. Schmidt S.J.
The Spiritual Exercises as a Foundation for Jesuit Education
Kevin O'Brien S.J.
Spiritual Foundations for Jesuit Commitment to Science
George Coyne S.J. and Agustin Udias S.J.
The Spiritual Exercises and Art
Thomas Lucas S.J.
Discernment in St. Ignatius Loyola: Guidelines for Individual Discernment
Brian McDermott S.J.
Discernment in St. Ignatius Loyola: Group Discernment: Caring for the Common Good
Brian McDermott S.J.
The Grace of Directing the Exercises
Scott Coble S.J.
Say WHAT?! The Ambiguity of Ignatian Terminology
David Nantais
Mission Matters: What Do Jesuits Mean By Cura Personalis?
Anthony McGinn S.J.
Grace Becomes Us Reflections on the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises from a Buddhist Perspective
Paul W. Humphreys
Available and Willing
Holly Schapker
Finding God and Being Surprised
Maggie MacKenzie
The Online Retreat: Ignatius Could Not Have Imagined, nor Did We
Maureen McCann Waldron
Open Minds, Open Arms, Open Hearts
Giulia Pink
Ignatian Spirituality and Spiritual Exercises: Annotated Bibliography
Francis X. McAloon S.J.
Is Retreat Directing a Model for Teaching? Questioning the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm
Stephen Rowntree S.J.
The Rise of Consumer Culture and Cura Personalis
David J. Burns
A Spiritual Stretch
Philip Nahlik
Talking Back: Ignatian Colleagues Advancing Partners in Mission for the Future of Jesuit Higher Education
Joseph DeFeo
Book Review: La Verdad Y La Justicia Witnessing Truth in the Service of Justice: La Verdad: A Witness to the Salvadoran Martyrs, by Lucía Cerna and Mary Jo Ignoffo
Theresa Ladrigan-Whelpley
The National Seminar on Jesuit Higher Education
Editorial Board
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Editorial Board