Date of Award

Fall 2011

Degree Type

Professional Project

Degree Name

Masters in Leadership Studies


College of Professional Studies


This case study explored the influence tactics used by successful information services project managers at Harley-Davidson. The participants were chosen via purposeful sampling for this study. Face-to-face interviews were conducted, which brought out some themes on the qualities needed to be successful as an information services project manager. The predominant skills sets included active listening, effective communication, relationship building and organization. The influence strategies primarily mentioned by the participants were consultation and bargaining, which was similar to what was found in the review of prior research. Other findings from this research included the challenges faced by project managers and the methods they use to overcome these obstacles, the participants’ definition of project success and failure, and their description of successful project managers. Although there were many similarities in the responses of the participants, there were some key differences that are noted in the findings section. All of the project managers spoke of the strong desire to deliver a product that met the customer’s expectations and needs.
