Date of Award

Fall 2012

Degree Type

Professional Project

Degree Name

Masters in Leadership Studies


College of Professional Studies


This exploratory study identifies the levels of importance and fulfillment of board roles and responsibilities by nonprofit peacemaking organization board members and executive directors. It suggests a three-component framework for understanding board governance. By employing purposive non-probability sampling, this study used board governance instruments, developed by Inglis, Alexander, and Weaver’s (1999), to identify a three-component framework: strategic activities, resource planning, and evaluations for nonprofit organizations whose mission is peacemaking. It examines the relevance of the framework suggested by Inglis, Alexander, and Weaver’s (1999) for nonprofit peacemaking organizations. The results of this study can be used by nonprofit peacemaking organizations to improve their governance capacity and prompt future research about the governance of nonprofit peacemaking organizational boards.
