"Effect of Baking Soda-Peroxide Dentifrice on Post-Surgical Wound Heali" by Andrew R. Dentino

Document Type

Marquette Only



Publication Date



Mosher & Linder

Source Publication

American Journal of Dentistry

Source ISSN




To investigate the effect of a baking soda-hydrogen peroxide (0.75%) dentifrice on wound healing, plaque formation, gingival inflammation, wound healing, patient comfort, probing depth, and clinical attachment level following gingival flap surgery.

Materials and Methods:

A randomized, double-blind crossover study involving 25 patients requiring bilateral maxillary gingival flap surgery was completed. The effects of twice daily brushing with a baking soda-hydrogen peroxide dentifrice (Mentadent) or a placebo dentifrice (Crest) were observed over a 28-day post-surgical period. Gingival index (GI); plaque index (Pl) , probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL) and gingival bleeding index (Bl) were recorded pre-surgically and at day 28 for each surgical sextant. A.t days 7 and 14, soft tissue appearance/wound healing (STA) was assessed based on color and edema, PI's were determined and patient comfort was ascertained by report.


Post-surgical wound healing was statistically significantly improved at day 7 with the trend continuing to day 14 when Mentadent dentifrice was used as compared to Crest dentifrice. However, there was no statistical difference in the PI values between the test and control dentifrice throughout the study. Use of Mentadent may be an effective aid in the early phase of healing following gingival flap surgery.


Published version. American Journal of Dentistry, Vol. 8, No. 3 (1995): 125-127. Publisher link. © Copyright 1995 American Journal of Dentistry. Used with permission.

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