"Critical-Sized Bone Defects Regeneration Using a Bone-Inspired 3D Bila" by Farahnaz Fahimipour, Farshid Bastami et al.

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Tissue and Cell

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We aim to develop a 3D-bilayer collagen (COL) membrane reinforced with nano beta-tricalcium-phosphate (nβ-TCP) particles and to evaluate its bone regeneration in combination with leukocyte-platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF) in vivo.

Background data

L-PRF has exhibited promising results as a cell carrier in bone regeneration in a number of clinical studies, however there are some studies that did not confirm the positive results of L-PRF application.


Mechanical & physiochemical characteristics of the COL/nβ-TCP membrane (1/2 & 1/4) were tested. Proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of seeded cells on bilayer collagen/nβ-TCP thick membrane was examined. Then, critical-sized calvarial defects in 8 white New Zealand rabbits were filled with either Col, Col/nβ-TCP, Col/nβ-TCP combined with L-PRF membrane, or left empty. New bone formation (NBF) was measured histomorphometrically 4 & 8 weeks postoperatively.


Compressive modulus increases while porosity decreases with higher β-TCP concentrations. Mechanical properties improve, with 89 % porosity (pore size ∼100 μm) in the bilayer-collagen/nβ-TCP membrane. The bilayer design also enhances the proliferation and ALP activity. In vivo study shows no significant difference among test groups at 4 weeks, but Col/nβ-TCP + L-PRF demonstrates more NBF compared to others (P < 0.05) after 8 weeks.


The bilayer-collagen/nβ-TCP thick membrane shows promising physiochemical in vitro results and significant NBF, as ¾ of the defect is filled with lamellar bone when combined with L-PRF membrane.


Accepted version. Tissue and Cell, Vol. 63 (April 2020): 101326. DOI. © 2020 Elsevier. Used with permission.

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