"The Lukan Kingship Parable: Luke 19:11-27 in Literary Perspective" by Garwood P. Anderson

Date of Award

Spring 2003

Document Type

Dissertation - Restricted

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



First Advisor

Kurz, William

Second Advisor

Hills, Julian

Third Advisor

Stockhausen, Carol


My interest in the critical study of the parables of Jesus began a number of years ago when in a used bookstore I happened upon Joachim Jeremias's Rediscovering the Parables, the abridgement of his more famous book on the subject. That book and its arguments fascinated me, and it led me to his larger book and then to other major works on the subject. It was especially the "rediscovery" aspect of these studies that piqued my interest. The explicit goal of most of the parable scholarship with which I was becoming acquainted was to recover by means of disciplined historical reconstruction the message of Jesus in its original historical context. For some this also included a kind of re-experiencing of that event by means of sympathetic imagination in witch the parables are heard as they would have been by Jesus' original hearers. I found-- and continue to find-- that sort of thing very interesting. This is what attracted me to the parables of Jesus...



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