Date of Award
Spring 2001
Document Type
Dissertation - Restricted
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
I began my doctoral work at Marquette University believing that much useful work remains to be done in developing descriptive anthropologies which are theologically accurate, appreciative of the accomplishments of the western mystical traditions, informed by developmental and cognitive psychologies, and that provide a basis for a renewing vision of what our species can be. Specifically, I wanted to study theological anthropologies that could support the practice of spiritual direction and disciple-making. Jurgen Moltmann's vision of a God who suffers with us caught my attention while I was reading for my Qualifying Exams. His work is especially rich in pastoral concern, imagination, and vision. His anthropology - as assembled in this dissertation - is perhaps more detailed than he would wish. If my intuitions about where his logic can be pushed just a bit further are accurate, then I believe pastoral counselors, spiritual directors, and others involved in the work of liberation and community-building will find his insights very rewarding and of great benefit to their work. Here is a renewing vision of what our species can be. While preparing to visit him at his office in his home, I asked him if I should - according to German custom - bring flowers or some other gift. His answer was spontaneous and gracious: "Bring only an open mind, and a warm heart". This paradigmatic invitation still stands.