"Influences on Female Counseling Psychology Associate Professors' Decis" by Nathan T. Pruitt

Date of Award

Fall 2005

Document Type

Dissertation - Restricted

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



First Advisor

Knox, Sarah

Second Advisor

Melchert, Tim

Third Advisor

Burkard, Alan


This study focuses on the influences that affect female counseling psychology associate professors' pursuit of full-professorship. I selected this topic for three reasons. First, I am interested in career development, gender studies, and qualitative research, and this project seemed to be an excellent way to blend all three. Second, the lack of research on this topic seemed to make it ideal of for a qualitative research approach. Third, I value research studies that try to understand inequities in society. In this study, the inequity is that many more men than women in academia attain full professorship. Consequently, it seemed reasonable to investigate this discrepancy by interviewing women who are associate professors in counseling psychology, the area in which I have pursued a doctorate. I am hopeful that this research has added to our understanding of academic promotion and how women make career decisions.



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