"What the Law Cannot Do: Samuel DeWitt Proctor's Theological Response t" by Adam L. Bond

Date of Award

Summer 2008

Document Type

Dissertation - Restricted

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



First Advisor

Carey, Patrick W.

Second Advisor

Zemler-Cizewski, Wanda

Third Advisor

Massingale, Bryan


Samuel De Witt Proctor (1921-1997) accomplished many things in his life. He was an educator, administrator, ordained Baptist pastor, and author. He was educated at Virginia State University and Virginia Union University, the University of Pennsylvania, Crozer Theological Seminary, Yale University, and Boston University School of Theology. He served in different government capacities during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, including stints as an associate director of the Peace Corps and Office of Economic Opportunity. His academic career included presidential posts at Virginia Union University and North Carolina A and T State University, teaching duties at Rutgers University, and lectures at various colleges and seminaries following his retirement. He also served churches in Providence, Rhode Island and Harlem, New York (successor to Adam Clayton Powell Jr. at the prominent Abyssinian Baptist Church). Proctor's public ministry spanned six decades...



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