"Pan-Humanism in the Novels of George Eliot" by Joseph John

Date of Award

Summer 1974

Document Type

Dissertation - Restricted

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



First Advisor

Thale, Jerome

Second Advisor

Pick, John

Third Advisor

Boyle, Robert


In the following pages, I have merely presented--I have not critically examined--George Eliot's secular pan-humanism. I might mention here that I am quite aware of the shortcomings of a creed that rejects the transcendental and of a faith narrowed down to a bare "meliorist" sympathy inspired solely by the "harshness" of the human lot. I believe, however, that it should always intrigue the student of George Eliot that here in this "atheistic" novelist is to be found the finest, the most fervent, and the most eloquent expression in English fiction of the radical, non-eudaemonistic idealism of the Cross.



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