"India's Socio-Industrial Transition" by Nand Sihra Singh

Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - Restricted

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




For the past 12 years and more, it has been the ambition of the author to study carefully and analytically the "Obscure type of material" available on India and her age-worn historical past in order to find with accuracy and in a scientific manner the basis of her industrial organization at the present time. From a personal standpoint it was necessary firstly, to understand the basic industrial principles indigenous to the country; secondly, the author has felt for the past decade and a half a compelling desire to contribute his share of personal services in the large and extensive upbuilding program ahead of the people of India in the economic and industrial regeneration of the Motherland. During his two trips around the civilized parts of the globe the author has been inspired time and again with the idea to devote intensively, scientifically and analytically his mind to make a study of this material under thge direction of trained men and judicious teachers and to assemble such data together as would establish clearly the basis of India's Industrial System...



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