Date of Award
Spring 1991
Document Type
Dissertation - Restricted
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
First Advisor
Bardwell, Rebecca
Second Advisor
Ivanoff, John
Third Advisor
Fox, Robert
This study explored the influence of self-monitoring and nonverbal expressiveness on self and other ratings of self-presentations. A simulated interview served as the context for examination of these phenomena. It was hypothesized that self-monitoring and nonverbal expressiveness would account for the variability of subject and observer ratings of subject friendliness, trustworthiness, stability, effectiveness, and energy. Subjects were participants enrolled in an outplacement program designed to assist their re-employment efforts. Each participated in an interview simulation and completed a self-rating of his/her presentation which was videotaped and evaluated by each of five raters. The effects of self-monitoring were significant for subjects' self-ratings of stability and energy and for raters' evaluations of subjects' friendliness and energy. There was no unique contribution of nonverbal expressiveness to these models beyond that which had been captured previously by self-monitoring.