Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - Restricted

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



First Advisor

Paul Byrne

Second Advisor

Frank Collingwood

Third Advisor

Robert Boyer

Fourth Advisor

Michael O'Callaghan

Fifth Advisor

Mary Ann


My dissertation attempts to combine an introductory investigation of Ulrich of Strasbourg's doctrine concerning the constitution of created, composite being with some effort to determine textual and doctrinal lines of dependence between Albert the teacher and Ulrich the disciple. This goal made the preparation of that portion of Liber de Summo Bono (Book IV, Tract II, 1-8) imperative. And, at the same time, this work imposed certain limitations on the scope of the dissertation. It was impossible to compare (except in one instance) the thought of Ulrich and St. Albert with their confrere , Thomas Aquinas. Moreover, the development of the Albertinian tradition beyond Ulrich of Strasbourg has had to be left for later study. The dissertation, then remains centered on Ulrich whom Van Steenberghen described as "le premier anneau de la chaine ne oplationicienne qui relie Albert le Grand a Nicolas de Cuse... "



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