Date of Award

Spring 1973

Document Type

Dissertation - Restricted

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



First Advisor

Zaret, Esther

Second Advisor

Bernert, Roman

Third Advisor

Bogenschild, Erica G.


In recent years the increased integration in American schools has brought with it a growing concern for the education of the so called "disadvantaged," essentially students with language divergent backgrounds. As a result, attempts have been made in all areas of the curriculum to develop programs which work toward overcoming cultural differences. Because of its importance to education, to integration, and to social existence, the area of communication has received much attention. Because of the importance of the communication process to successful higher education, it is with communication that this study deals. It is the purpose of the proposed curriculum to find a means of motivating the language divergent student to improve himself academically and socially, to participate actively in educational experiences which will help him to self-actualize, and to afford him learning experiences which will enable him to become an effective independent learner. Such a curriculum should be relevant to the student's needs in finding direction and setting realistic goals for subsequent college work and ultimately for a meaningful life. In essence, then, the proposed curriculum attempts to provide a sequential program cased on the needs of students entering college from a language divergent background, with the intent of integrating such students into existing programs. In preparation for developing the proposed curriculum, a thorough search was made of literature and other available sources to determine what has been and is being done for language divergent students in higher education. In the paper itself a rationale for the proposed curriculum is developed. Chapter Two discusses special issues related to the development of the proposed curriculum, including a survey of programs and a discussion of problems related specifically to the education of students with language divergent backgrounds...



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