Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - Restricted

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




Religious Studies

First Advisor

Keith J. Egan

Second Advisor

K. Hagen

Third Advisor

Daniel Maguire

Fourth Advisor

John J. Schmitt


In theology, as in all else, the twentieth century has been a precedent shattering century. Ideas seem to leapfrog over one another to the extent that one cannot readily perceive a logical progression, the tempo of change is so rapid. The word one hears continuously in the attempt to describe contemporary experience is "revolutionary." It is a term that both scientists and theologians are using to express not merely the progress or development of thought, but rather the eruption of a whole new perspective, displacing previous thought and systems bf meaning. It is a
time of crisis and tension when new paradigms struggle to emerge and displace old ones. Just such a radical shift has occurred in the relationship between Judaism and Christianity. Until the midpoint of this century, Christianity viewed Judaism as a rejected and superseded religion whose people witnessed through their exile and suffering to Christian claims to being the new, the true Israel. In a volte face, Christians have declared that Judaism "did not end with the destruction of Jerusalem ... but went on to develop a religious tradition ... rich in religious values." Christians have also acknowledged the part that Christian theological tradition has played in fostering Jewish suffering. It is particularly . significant that this shift has occurred not only in the writings of certain Christian theologians, but has expressed itself in statements of the institutional Church.




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