Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - Restricted

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Educational Policy and Leadership

First Advisor

Wasyl Shimoniak

Second Advisor

Peter M. Collins

Third Advisor

Edward F. DeRoche

Fourth Advisor

Raphael N. Hamilton

Fifth Advisor

Frank L. Steeves


This dissertation examines the educational leadership role of Albert C. Fox during his presidency at Marquette University from 1922 to 1928. In depicting Fox1s educational leadership role, primary sources are relied on extensively. Newspaper articles, presidential speeches, university bulletins and catalogues, and related sources are utilized in the study. The study is interned to provide an understanding of the educational leadership role of a man largely responsible for elevating Marquette University to major university status.


Findings of the dissertation appeared to confirm the hypothesis that Albert C. Fox contributed extensively to the growth of Marquette University as an academic institution through his educational leadership; his leadership role was evident in his perception of Marquette University as "Milwaukee's university"; and the presidency of Albert C. Fox revealed a strong emphasis upon the introduction of educational innovations of a highly qualitative nature.



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