Submissions from 2024
(WP 2024-01) Douglass North, New Institutional Economics, and Complexity Theory, John B. Davis and Mauro Boianovsky
(WP 2024-02) Stratification economics: Historical Origins and Theoretical Foundations, John B. Davis
(WP 2024-04) Making Philosophy Relevant to Economists, John B. Davis
(WP 2024-05) Emerging Engagement between Philosophy and Philosophy of Economics: Parfit, Simon, and Sen, John B. Davis
Submissions from 2023
(WP 2023-01) Objectivity in Economics and the Problem of the Individual, John B. Davis
(WP 2023-02) What Are Reflexive Economic Agents? Position-Adjustment, SLAM, and Self-Organization, John B. Davis
(WP 2023-03) Economics Imperialism and Economic Imperialism: Two Sides of the Same Coin, Angela Ambrosino, Mario Cedrini, and John B. Davis
(WP 2023-04) Living Up to Expectations: Central Bank Credibility, the Effectiveness of Forward Guidance, and Inflation Dynamics Post-Global Financial Crisis, Stephen J. Cole, Enrique Martínez-García, and Eric Sims
(WP 2023-05) Measuring the Effects of Unconventional Monetary Policy Tools under Adaptive Learning, Stephen J. Cole and Sungjun Huh
(WP 2023-06) Richard Arena on Sraffa and Wittgenstein, John B. Davis
Submissions from 2022
(WP 2022-01) Economics as a Normative Discipline: Value Disentanglement in an ‘Objective’ Economics, John B. Davis
(WP 2022-02) Keynes's Treatise on Probability 100 Years Later: Small vs. large worlds and closed vs. open systems, John B. Davis
(WP 2022-03) Managing Contagion: COVID, Public Health, and Reflexive Behavior, John B. Davis
(WP 2022-04) A General Theory of Social Economic Stratification: Stigmatization, Exclusion, and Capability Shortfalls, John B. Davis
(WP 2022-05) Change in and Changing Economics, John B. Davis
(WP 2022-06) Sheila Dow's Open Systems Methodology, John B. Davis
(WP 2022-07) Teaching Economics and Ethics, John B. Davis
Submissions from 2021
(WP 2021-01) Counterfactual Thinking and Attribute Substitution in Economic Behavior, John B. Davis and Theodore Koutsobinas
(WP 2021-02) Attribute Substitution, Counterfactual Thinking, and Heterodox Economics, John B. Davis and Theodore Koutsobinas
(WP 2021-03) Social Economics, John B. Davis
(WP 2021-04) John Tomer's Reconceptualization of the Concept of Human Capital, John B. Davis
(WP 2021-05) Heterogeneity in Individual Expectations, Sentiment, and Constant-Gain Learning, Stephen J. Cole and Fabio Milani
(WP 2021-06) A Contextualist Approach to Health Economics, John B. Davis and Robert McMaster
(WP 2021-07) Forward Guidance Effectiveness in a New Keynesian Model with Housing Frictions, Stephen J. Cole and Sungjun Huh
(WP 2021-08) Deepening and Widening Social Identity Analysis in Economics, John B. Davis
Submissions from 2020
(WP 2020-01) The Sea Battle Tomorrow: The Identity of Reflexive Economic Agents, John B. Davis
(WP 2020-03) The Effect of Central Bank Credibility on Forward Guidance in an Estimated New Keynesian Model, Stephen J. Cole and Enrique Martínez-García
(WP 2020-04) Heterogeneity in Individual Expectations, Sentiment, and Constant-Gain Learning, Stephen J. Cole and Fabio Milani
(WP 2020-05) Change and Continuity in Economic Methodology and Philosophy of Economics, John B. Davis
Submissions from 2019
(WP 2019-01) Stratification Economics as an Economics of Exclusion, John B. Davis
(WP 2019-02) A Road Not Taken? A Brief History of Care in Economic Thought, John B. Davis and Robert McMaster
(WP 2019-03) ‘Openness’ as a Methodological Principle of Sraffa’s Economic Thinking, John B. Davis
Submissions from 2018
(WP 2018-01) Ethics and Economics: A Complex Systems Approach, John B. Davis
(WP 2018-02) Extending Behavioral Economics’ Methodological Critique of Rational Choice Theory to Include Counterfactual Reasoning, John B. Davis
(WP 2018-03) Comment on White on the Relationship between Economics and Ethics, John B. Davis
(WP 2018-04) Economics and Economic Methodology in a Core-Periphery Economic World, John B. Davis
(WP 2018-05) Specialization, Fragmentation, and Pluralism in Economics, John B. Davis
Submissions from 2017
(WP 2017-01) The Continuing Relevance of Keynes's Philosophical Thinking: Reflexivity, Complexity, and Uncertainty, John B. Davis
(WP 2017-02) The Great Recession and Public Education, William N. Evans, Robert M. Schwab, and Kathryn L. Wagner
(WP 2017-03) Agent-Based Modeling’s Open Methodology Approach: Simulation, Reflexivity, and Abduction, John B. Davis
Submissions from 2016
(WP 2016-01) Transformation without Paternalism, John B. Davis and Tom Wells
(WP 2016-02) The Limits of Central Bank Forward Guidance under Learning, Stephen J. Cole
(WP 2016-03) Economics, Neuroeconomics, and the Problem of Identity, John B. Davis
(WP 2016-04) Shock, but no Shift: Hospitals' Responses to Changes in Patient Insurance Mix, Kathryn L. Wagner
(WP 2016-05) Hodgson, Cumulative Causation, and Reflexive Economic Agents, John B. Davis
(WP 2016-06) The Effectiveness of Central Bank Forward Guidance under Inflation and Price-Level Targeting, Stephen J. Cole
Submissions from 2015
(WP 2015-01) Can Ten do it Better? Impact of Red Card in the English Premier League, Abdur Chowdhury
(WP 2015-02) Is Unemployment Good for the Environment?, Andrew G. Meyer
(WP 2015-03) Lawson on Veblen on Social Ontology, John B. Davis
Submissions from 2014
(WP 2014-01) Is Bitcoin the 'Paris Hilton' of the Currency World? Or Are the Early Investors onto Something That Will Make Them Rich? [updated version], Abdur Chowdhury
(WP 2014-02) Trade Volatility and the GATT/WTO: Does Membership Make a Difference?, Abdur Chowdhury, Xuepeng Liu, Miao Wang, and M. C. Sunny Wong
(WP 2014-03) Bounded Rationality and Bounded Individuality, John B. Davis
Submissions from 2013
(WP 2013-02) Economists’ Odd Stand on the Positive-Normative Distinction: A Behavioral Economics View, John B. Davis
(WP 2013-03) War and the Fiscal Capacity of the State, Abdur Chowdhury and Syed M. Murshed
(WP 2013-04) Securitization of Credit Card Debt and its Determinants, Farrokh Nourzad, Katherine Szczesniak, and William Hunter
(WP 2013-05) Future Implications of Debt and Deleveraging in the United States Economy, Abdur Chowdhury and Patrick Brown
(WP 2013-06) The Impact of Output and Exchange Rate Volatility on Fixed Private Investment: Evidence from Selected G7 Countries, Abdur Chowdhury and Mark Wheeler
(WP 2013-07) Terms of Trade Shocks and Private Savings in the Developing Countries, Abdur Chowdhury
(WP 2013-08) Economic (In)Security and Gender Differences in Trade Policy Attitudes, Jeffrey Drope and Abdur Chowdhury
(WP 2013-09) Virtual Currency and the Financial System: The Case of Bitcoin, Abdur Chowdhury and Barry K. Mendelson
(WP 2013-10) Neuroeconomics and Identity, John B. Davis
Submissions from 2012
(WP 2012-01) Samuels on Methodological Pluralism in Economics, John Davis
Submissions from 2011
(WP 2011-01) Kenneth Boulding as a Moral Scientist, John Davis
(WP 2011-02) The Change in Sraffa's Philosophical Thinking, John Davis
(WP 2011-03) State Government Revenue and Expenditures: A Bootstrap Panel Analysis, Abdur Chowdhury
(WP 2011-04) Inflation and Inflation-Uncertainty in India: The Policy Implications of the Relationship, Abdur Chowdhury
(WP 2011-05) 'Til Recession Do Us Part: Booms, Busts, and Divorce in the United States, Abdur Chowdhury
(WP 2011-06) Do Stock Market Risk Premium Respond to Consumer Confidence?, Abdur Chowdhury
(WP 2011-07) Factoring Emerging Markets into the Relationship Between Global Liquidity and Commodities, Steven Landgraf and Abdur Chowdhury
(WP 2011-08) Identity, John Davis
(WP 2011-09) The Development Effects of Natural Resources: A Geographical Dimension, Fabrizio Carmignani and Abdur Chowdhury
(WP 2011-10) Obituary: Warren J. Samuels (1933-2011), John Davis
Submissions from 2010
(WP 2009-02) Exchange-Rate Pass Through, Openness, and the Sacrifice Ratio, Joseph P. Daniels and David D. VanHoose
(WP 2010-01) The Role of Primary Commodities in Economic Development: Sub-Saharan Africa versus Rest of the World, Fabrizio Carmignani and Abdur Chowdhury
(WP 2010-02) The Demand for Historic Preservation, John I. Carruthers, David E. Clark, and Michael Tealdi
(WP 2010-03) Subsidizing Religious Participation through Groups: A Model of the "Megachurch" Strategy for Growth, Marc von der Ruhr and Joseph P. Daniels
(WP 2010-04) Mäki on Economics Imperialism, John B. Davis
(WP 2010-05) Exchange-Rate Pass Through, Openness, and the Sacrifice Ratio, Joseph P. Daniels and David D. VanHoose
(WP 2010-06) How Do Structural and Policy Factors Affect a Country’s Probability to Achieve the Most (or the Least) Favorable Growth Path?, Fabrizio Carmignani and Abdur Chowdhury
(WP 2010-07) Examining Megachurch Growth: Free Riding, Fit, and Faith, Marc von der Ruhr and Joseph P. Daniels
(WP 2010-08) Neuroeconomics: Constructing Identity, John B. Davis
(WP 2010-09) Does Money Matter? An Empirical Investigation, Barry Huston, James M. McGibany, and Farrokh Nourzad
(WP 2010-10) Assessing the Predictive Power of Labor-Market Indicators of Inflation, Farrokh Nourzad
(WP 2010-11) The Benefits of Environmental Improvement: Estimates From Space-time Analysis, John I. Carruthers, David Clark, and Robert N. Renner
Submissions from 2008
(WP 2008-01) A Model of Religious Investment to Explain the Success of “Megachurches”, Marc von der Ruhr and Joseph P. Daniels
(WP 2009-01) Trust in Others: Does Religion Matter?, Joseph P. Daniels and Marc von der Ruhr
Submissions from 2007
(WP 2007-01) Openness, Income-Tax Progressivity, and Inflation, Joseph P. Daniels and David D. VanHoose
(WP 2007-02) Valuing Environmental Quality: A Space-based Strategy, John I. Carruthers and David E. Clark
(WP 2007-03) Trade Openness, Capital Mobility, and the Sacrifice Ratio, Joseph P. Daniels and David D. VanHoose
Submissions from 2005
(WP 2005-01) Regional vs. Global Financing Strategies for U.S. MNEs, Joseph P. Daniels, Walid Hejazi, and Marc von der Ruhr
(WP 2005-02) Social Identity Strategies in Recent Economics, John B. Davis
(WP 2005-03) Openness, Centralized Wage Bargaining, and Inflation, Joseph P. Daniels, Farrokh Nourzad, and David D. VanHoose
(WP 2005-04) The Effects of Ignoring Train Whistle Bans on Residential Property Values, David E. Clark
(WP 2005-05) Assessing the Determinants of Willingness to Pay for Urban Flood Control: The Role of Locational, Demographic and Attitudinal Factors, David E. Clark, Robert J. Griffin, and Vladimir Novotny
Submissions from 2004
(WP 2004-01) Inappropriate Pooling of Wealthy and Poor Countries in Empirical FDI Studies, Bruce A. Blonigen and Miao Grace Wang