"Organizational Learning in Schools Pursuing Social Justice: Fostering " by Martin Scanlan

Document Type




Format of Original

19 p.

Publication Date



Educator's International Press

Source Publication

Scholar-Practitioner Quarterly

Source ISSN



The field of socially just educational leadership is focused on promoting improvements in the teaching and learning environment as demonstrated by student learning gains, particularly for traditionally marginalized students. The field has identified priorities (i.e., school improvement, democratic community, and social justice) and steps to pursue these priorities (specific strategies school leaders can take and conditions they can foster). Building on this literature, this article examines organizational learning in school communities that claim to be pursuing these priorities. It argues that organizational learning is a lens for socially just educational leaders to link theory with practice and to shift their focus from the knowledge, skills, and dispositions of individuals to the communities of practice within schools. It first describes a theoretical framework for examining organizational learning in schools, then analyzes two school settings illustrating organizational learning in educational entrepreneurship and boundary spanning. It concludes with a discussion of the implications this has for the broader field of socially just educational leadership.


Published Version. Scholar-Practitioner Quarterly, Vol. 5, No. 4 (2011): 328-346. Publisher link. © 2011 Educator's International Press. Used with permission.

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