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IET Electric Power Applications
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Permanent magnet vernier machines (PMVMs) gained a lot of interest over the past couple of decades. This is mainly due to their high torque density enabled by the magnetic gearing effect. This study will provide a thorough review of recent advances in PMVMs. This review will cover the principle of operation and nature of magnetic gearing in PMVMs, and a better understanding of novel PMVM topologies using different winding configuration as well as different modulation poles and rotor structures. Detailed discussions on the choice of gear ratio, slot-pole combinations, design optimisation and role of advanced materials in PMVMs will be presented. This will provide an update on the current state-of-the art as well as future areas of research. Furthermore, the power factor issue, fault tolerance as well as cost reduction will be discussed highlighting the gap between the current state-of-the art and what is needed in practical applications.
Recommended Citation
Wu, Fan and EL-Refaie, Ayman M., "Permanent Magnet Vernier Machine: A Review" (2019). Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty Research and Publications. 630.
Accepted version. IET Electric Power Applications, Vol. 13, No. 2 (February 2019): 127 - 137. DOI. © 2019 IEEE. Used with permission.