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This research project began from the question: in what ways are students at Marquette involved in community service? To answer this question, I combined my data from three staff interviews, observations of Marquette’s webpages connected to service, and a review of scholarly literature about higher education’s role in community service. I have divided my research into four sections: motivations for research, methods, findings, and my proposals for change. My motivations section further describes the ways my story impacted my research and how my experience contributes to the outcome of this project. Next, I detail my methodological approach showing both what I did and how I analyzed it. This section shows the design of my research and my analysis of my data. The third section explains my findings. My findings are described in two overarching categories: Institutional Level Findings and Student Level Findings. From these two categories, I break down the specific findings associated with each level. In my institutional level findings, I describe the gap between mission and reality, the lack of training for faculty members, and the lack of prioritization of community engagement, as well as the physical distance between offices that offer community outreach. At the student level, I further explain how students are entering the university with a charity-based conceptions of service rather than a justice-based conception, how students motivations for participating in service impact the community, and how the demographics of first year students affect community service. These findings lead me to my proposals for change. I divided my proposals for change into two sections: To Do Now and To Do over Time.
Publication Date
Spring 2017
Community service, Marquette, Community engagement, Community outreach, Marquette Bubble, Community involvement, campus involvement, social justice, service in higher education