"The Distressed Nun [Transcript]" by Isaac Crookenden



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Luvido di Brindoli, Florentine nobleman, had two children—a son, Vincentio and a daughter, Herselia. Vincentio bitterly envied Herselia believing that his father loved her more. One night Brindoli received two guests—Count Fovolli and his handsome young son, Henri Velasquez. Herselia instantly fell in love with Henry and confided the matter in his brother who contrived a plot to ruin her happiness forever. Accordingly, he encouraged Herselia to elope with Henry the next day, and, secretly informed Brindoli about it.

The next morning, Brindoli apprehended Herselia outside the palace, and condemned her to a life in a remote convent. After weeks in desolation, Henry got to know about the fate of Herselia and left in search of her on horseback. An old lady, Maria, welcomed him in her hut for night’s rest.

Back in Florence, soon after Herselia’s mother’s death Fovolli, challenged Brindoli to a duel. When they met, Brindoli killed Fovolli with his pistol. After this, Brindoli fell seriously ill and died shortly after. Then Vincentio instructed the abbess to impose barbarous punishment on Herselia. The abbess imprisoned Herselia in a dark dungeon near the convent. Henry, meanwhile, left the hut the next day and wandered in search of Herselia. And accidently discovered the place of her confinement. He quickly rescued her and took her to the safety of Maria’s hut. Back in Florence, the Vincentio married an Italian whore who killed him with poison and ended her life too. Just then, people came to know about Herselia and Henry who arrived at the palace to the delight of all. After a period of mourning, they married uniting the two nobilities in love and harmony.

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S. Fisher




Literature in English, British Isles


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The Distressed Nun [Transcript]
