Date of Award


Degree Type

Master's Essay - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)




"Home health care is emerging as a specialty within nursing," According to Harris (1988). The home health care nurse manager must develop specialized leadership and management training to thrive in today's competitive arena of home care. For this essay, I produced a scholarly review of literature from home care literature and literature of corresponding disciplines to explore the following areas: I. The introduction into homecare, investigating the major reasons for growth, such as the introduction of DRG's, growth of the elderly population, and growth of chronic illnesses. II. The special leadership qualities of a home care manager, in which I have presented the current literature on nursing leadership. III. Explore the home care manager's role in the areas of planning, coordinating, program development, decision making, problem solving, establishing collaborative relationships, achieving standards compliance, knowledge of budget and finance (especially third party reimbursement), human resource development and legal concerns for the home care agency. And IV. Exploring the future of homecare.
