Date of Award


Degree Type

Master's Essay - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)



First Advisor

Mark K. Kipfmueller

Second Advisor

E. DeRoche


Self-concept theory plays a significant factor in education as well as in life in general. While many persons discuss it, few have a solid, integrated, and harmonious understanding of its far reaching ramifications.

Attitudes and feelings have much to do with a person's expectations. A person develops confidence from success experiences which prevails as one becomes involved in new encounters. In the same manner fear, anxiety, and resistance engulf a person as they attempt new tasks if they previously have met with failure repetitively. Success breeds success while failure continues to beget failure. An individual caught in the failure syndrome becomes convinced that as a person, one is unable to cope and deal with life situations as they present themselves.

Personality is seen largely as a result of one's perceptions of the self in relation to those that an individual encounters. Persons who perceive themselves as having a strongly positive sense of self-worth, and sense that others also perceive of them in a positive manner, generally express growth that is of a positive nature. Conversely, if one feels negative about the self and is reinforced by the responses of others who surround him/her, then growth or the lack of any reflects a negative aspect.

For a person to respond toward others with a feeling of goodness, and human warmth, the individual must have a feeling of goodness and warmth toward the self. Expressed behavior is consistent with one's concept of self. Changes in personality come from changes in the self-concept which will be reflected in outward behavior. The self-concept is the regulator of human behavior. Anxiety and frustration result when our behaviors are incompatible with our beliefs toward ourself. In order to change behavior, it becomes necessary to alter the perceptions of the self. The motive behind changes in behavior emanates from the ability of one to maintain and enhance the self as the individual's perceptions dictate.

Schools have remedial reading centers, math centers, learning centers, slow learner programs, exceptional education programs, etc. (all fulfilling a need)--all with the intent of helping students develop important and vital concepts through the use of specialized methods; and yet while it is readily admitted by almost all in the field of education, as well as those outside of education, that one's self-concept has dramatic impact on one's ability to function effectively in one's daily encounters, few if any schools have any specific programs designed specifically to remediate students suffering from deprivation of, or to provide a support system so as to be a viable program of prevention of the destruction of an individual's self-concept.

Even though there exists much research showing a relationship between the self-concept and achievement, and that teacher-pupil interactions of a particular nature can be beneficial, schools have not generally provided a specific program geared to the improvement of the self-concept.

Statement Of The Problem:

A pupil with low academic achievement, poor attitude, socially unacceptable conduct, and/or poor attendance habits is oftentimes a pupil with a negative self-concept.

Purpose Of This Study:

To determine if a program that offers the individual student a sheltered environment available to him at times of excessive conflict or when he is experiencing feelings of isolation will, if coupled with intensive and 3 immediate follow-up,result in an increase of an individual student's self-concept.
