Date of Award


Degree Type

Master's Essay - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)



First Advisor

Nick John Topetzes

Second Advisor

David E. Willis


Administrators, counselors, and commercial teachers have become very much concerned in our high school over the high failure rate in shorthand I and II and the high mortality rate in shorthand III and IV. This is not a local problem only. "Shorthand failures and dropouts are among the highest in the curriculum of the nation's high schools. This condition with respect to dropouts also prevails in Chicago."

It is the writer's plan to find out whether or not through the proper use of a battery of tests, namely English reading and vocabulary tests, various I. Q. tests, and a shorthand aptitude test, it is possible to predict success in shorthand with reasonable accuracy and thus to guide students who might be shorthand failures into other fields of endeavor better suited to their ability.
