Date of Award

Fall 1983

Degree Type

Master's Essay - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




In January, 1983, the FDA approved the use of Chymopapain in the United States. Chemonucleolysis with Chymopapain could then be used in the United States as a treatment for a herniated intervertebral disc. It follows that nurses must understand and develop nursing care plans for patients undergoing the new procedure. This essay is intended to demonstrate the development of a nursing care plan for Chemonucleolysis using a nursing model ... the Betty Neuman Health-Care Systems Model. It includes an explanation of the model and of chemonucleolysis, an assessment of the chemonucleolysis candidate using the Betty Neuman Assessment/Intervention Tool, and a nursing care plan based on this assessment including primary, secondary, and tertiary goals and interventions. There is a presentation of a detailed care plan and a more abbreviated care plan for use on a clinical unit.
