Date of Award


Degree Type

Master's Essay - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)



First Advisor

Adrian M. Dupuis

Second Advisor

Roman A. Bernert


When man scratched on cave walls, illustrations of his daily life and beliefs, painting was born. When man first blew through a hollow reed of various lengths and diameters~ music was born. In an ignorant fear of elements and a force beyond himself, man created and placated images and idols of imaginary deities; sculpture was born. When tribal leaders first expressed in words and movements the feelings of the group, theater was born. These births were not the products of a refined and privileged gentility, but they were expressions of humanity in its most primitive phase. We classify these activities, today, as creative responses to environment. By virtue of being created children of God, we are invested with a spark of creativity as a vestigial inheritance of His image. To study these activities as isolated phenomena of human behavior is to miss the harmony and rhythm which sings out the dignity of man as he parades through time and cultures. The study of man's manifestation of his creative powers should be attempted in a unified and logical approach. This proposed curriculum will have as its major objective a course of study which will compare forms, disciplines, and attitudes resulting, it is hoped, in a greater appreciation of man's creative products and, no less, man himself. Man i s born in a state of ignorance and without preferences. We may say he is not "born human". After a number of years of social life, he finds himself - and his fellow humans - saturated with certain economic , political, spiritual, and aesthetic convictions. Something has happened. Somewhere along the line he has been "educated". If he is taught bow to use the telescope of knowledge, distant concepts become more intimate and clear. The inverted end of a telescope only puts more distance and remoteness between him and ideas . In scanning the criteria and objectives for a Fine Arts Survey Program (through the proper end of the telescope), let us keep in mind that we want a panoramic view of all the arts relatively placed and intertwined in a pattern of filigree branches growing out of God's abundant earth in a forestry naturally designed as a cathedral of human achievement.
