Date of Award


Degree Type

Master's Essay - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)



First Advisor

Roman A. Bernert

Second Advisor

Adrian M. Dupuis


A deep personal interest and a felt need for the advancement of the Franciscan Philosophy of education, unique to the Order, has brought about this research study. There is a definite realization, that outside of the Rules and Constitutions of Franciscan Religious Women, there is little awareness of what the true Franciscan vocation requires of us as administrators or teachers. Father Boehner believes this may be due either to a lack of understanding "with sufficient clarity and penetration what it means to live and think and act in the spirit of our Seraphic Father, or, what is worse, to a complete indifference to, or a total absence of, any concept of Franciscanism whatsoever.

Therefore, the author of this study, through historical research, would like to verify the possibility of integration of Franciscanism with the educational program and establish the fact that St. Francis placed upon the administrators of his schools, the responsibility of upholding his ideal of Christocentricism.


A Research Paper Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Education Department, Marquette University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Education, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
