Date of Award


Degree Type

Master's Essay - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)




The purpose of this paper is to introduce Michael Bakunin in his major historical perspective; that is, as the precursor of Lenin and the Bolshevik Revolution. Obviously then, it is beyond the scope of this discussion to treat of his influence in Italy, France, and Spain, and his part in the development of anarcho-syndicalism in those European countries.

Because Bakunin was so much a part of nineteenth-century Russia, and because he in tum exercised so great an influence on the ideological development behind the Bolshevik Revolution, it is quite necessary to devote the first chapter to the ideological developments in Russia in the nineteenth century Since the genealogy of Bakunin's doctrine is closely connected with his biography, these aspects are treated as two parts of the same Chapter II. Chapter III attempts to analyze Bakunin's doctrine of anarchism. Here the scarcity of original source material in English made it necessary to consult and use some secondary sources. Finally, by showing Bakunin's impact on the revolutionary movement toward Bolshevism, and by showing the similarity between Bakunin's doctrine and that of Lenin, it is hoped that Bakunin will stand out in the minds of the readers as the precursor of Leninist Bolshevism.


An Essay submitted to the History Department of Marquette University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
