Date of Award
Degree Type
Master's Essay - Restricted
Degree Name
Master of Education (MEd)
First Advisor
John M. Ivanoff
Providing for individual differences typically is referred to as the hallmark of superior teaching. Any plan or curriculum which tries to fit every child into the same program is bound to be inappropriate. Only when a child is taken at his present level of achievement and allowed to progress at the rate of speed he is capable of handling, will he make the best progress.
Recommended Citation
Skora, Mary Cornelia, "A Study to Determine the Effectiveness of the Individualized Study Method in Spelling as Compared with the Group Study Method" (1967). Master's Essays (1922 - ). 2114.
A Research Paper Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Marquette University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Master of Education, Milwaukee, Wisconsin